6 of Italy’s Most Beautiful Gardens You’ve Never Heard Of

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Italy is well known for its classic beauty, is a great place to visit, especially if you enjoy wandering around luxury villas and gardens. Up and down the country there are spectacular places to enjoy the natural beauty and amazing surroundings and here we offer just a few examples of some of the best places to see.

As you, know, we love sharing off-the-beaten-track destinations in Italy. Here are 5 botanical gardens to visit in Italy.

Leonardo’s Vineyard (Milan)

While Leonardo Da Vinci was painting the Last Supper (1495-1498), under patronage of Ludovico “Il Moro” Duke of Milan, he was given a 16 row vineyard as a gift. Nature lover and self taught botanist, Da Vinci tended to his vines with both love and scientific accuracy. In 2015 Portaluppi Foundation started the Vigna di Leonardo regrowth project and opened the residence, the Atellani House to the public. Both can be visited. Tasto Atellano is the name of the wine produced and can be enjoyed at the Museum bistrot.

Best time to visit

Open all year. The vineyard is sometimes reserved for private events, it’s always best to check the website before visiting.

Where to stay while visiting

If you really want to get a feel of what it was like to live where Da Vinci walked, stay at the apartments in the Atellani House. Modern and comfortable, but historical just the same.

The Monumental Gardens of Valsanzibio (Padua)

Image: Monumental Gardens of Valsanzibio / C. Abernethy

The Monumental Gardens of Valsanzibio at the Villa Barbarigo Pizzoni Ardemani is often referred to as “The small Versailles” or “The Pearl of the Euganee Hills”. A seventeenth century Venetian palace built by Giovani Francesco Barbarigo and his sons. The villa is embraced by a classic Italian garden with 18 distinct sections. Each area invites the visitor into a world of its own. A lush, green labyrinth, a majestic promenade with dancing water fountains, ponds with exotic fish and a pool with rare black swans are just some of the surprises Villa Barbarigo Pizzoni Ardemani holds. The villa itself cannot be visited, as it is occupied by the current residents.

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This project was written for Milanostyle.com


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Ciao, I’m Celia, your friend and travel advisor in Italy! Orignally from NY, I now work and live here. As a lifestyle editor and writer it's my job to "be in the know". I’d be happy to share my insider tips and help you save time planning your trip to Italy. Contact me to sign up for my free newsletter, send me a question or request help with designing your travel itinerary.